Our Lady of Tickfaw

In 1987, Alfredo Raimondo visited Medjugorje, a tiny town in Bosnia, where many see apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Upon his return to the states, him and his wife moved from Chalmette, LA, to the tiny town of Tickfaw. In 1989, the Blessed Mother visited Alfredo and asked him to gather people and pray to St. Joseph.

Thousands gathered and many reported seeing Mary, Joseph, angels, and the saints. Photographs show some apparitions and some have accounts of healed broken bones and cancer being cured.

In 2011, Alfredo, a Tunisian native, died. His wife Vita still lives on the property and the community helps her keep the grounds and small chapel maintained. While Vita has not experienced any apparitions, she does feel a great amount of peace at her home surrounded by statues and saints.